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i'm going to build a computer for JESUS!!!!

last spring break, i went on a mission trip to hcjb (they are basically a mission that sets up christian radio stations around the world). i basically decided to go there because it was one of the few spring break trips where my computer skills would be used. i had a good experience then, so i figured i'd sign up again. with hcjb, they give us a sheet with projects they need worked on and we send them our resume and our favorite 3 projects. this year, one of the projects is building a compuer from scratch (they hand me the parts and i make them the computer ready for use).

many of you know that i built myself a computer this summer. now, i'm not near knowledgable enough to pick out which brands to use and how to get the best specs without spending a ton. so i had someone help me out with that and i did the rest. from the time i retrieved the boxes from the post office until my installations and configurations were complete, i was unable to be distracted. my apt-mates made tacos, good friends watched movies that i REALLY wanted to see (they were mine actually), great conversations went on around me, and of course i also missed sleep. i was obsessed, focused (to the extreme), and passionate. a good friend told me he hadn't seen me this happy EVER (and he has known me since i was ~3).

ok, so i was this passionate about building a computer for myself...now i get to build one for Jesus! mine is used by Him some, but this one will be totally His!


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