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sorry for not blogging much lately - i won't even give any excuses...
this summer i'm working at dana corporation in longview. all this plant does is make truck frames for GM.  450 employees and millions of dollars put into the plant - all for truck frames.  it's really fascinating to walk onto the plant floor and watch the robots do their thing.  right now, they're still trying to get everything working.
they have one guy in their IT department and i help him out.  he's a really great guy and treats me wonderfully.  my bosses at IT treated me really well also - i never had any complaints, but it doesn't compare to this.  i wish i could describe it.  he is not a christian, but he's one of the nicest guys i know.  he cusses but is really careful about not doing it around me.  he is also really open with me - he has talked about his past some and is always giving me good advice about things he's learned the hard way - finishing my degree, getting certified, not smoking, treating people well, learning how to take care of myself, the list goes on and on...and i've only worked for him for 1.5 weeks.


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