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He has made me glad
He has made me glad
i will rejoice for He has made me glad, glad, glad --insyderz

mission emphasis week has come and gone for another year. i went to alot of the sessions and became really interested in a few organizations. before coming to letourneau, i didn't think there were many opportunities for computer people in missions...oh, how i was wrong!! numerous organizations need lots of IT people - wycliffe, hcjb, jaars, maf, mercy ships, world team, and others...

God REALLY tugged at my heart this week!! i don't cry in public very often, but i was overwhelmed with tears on more than one occasion while listening to dr. chuck davis speak in chapel. after worship in chapel on friday it happened again! it wasn't even that they were at emotional moments - it was more like God just decided to spontaneously overwhelm me with His presence.

on a slightly different note, i've only slept 17 hours since tuesday. but here's the catch - i haven't been tired all week until about 5 minutes ago. i can usually go 1 or 2 days on 5 hours a night, but after that i really drag until i get a good night's sleep again. i've had lots of reading to do this week and my back's been a bit sore. so i've been laying on the floor...on my pillow...reading some really boring material...and i never fell asleep until after my homework was complete. i can tell you why i slept only 2 hours last night and haven't been tired all day - i had lots of caffine. but as for the rest of the week, the only explanation i have (and i hope i'm not over-spiritualizing here) is that God wanted me to soak in as much as i could from the visiting missionaries that He took away my need for normal amounts of sleep. the only reason i was always up so late is that i made time to attend the sessions. i managed my time well and still didn't ever go to bed before 2.30. the past few weeks i've slept at least 7-8 hours a night, so it's not even that my body is getting used to the lack of sleep. isn't God amazing?!


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