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ok, so i've seriously neglected my blog for awhile now... a bunch has happened since i last wrote...where should i even start?

the week after finals i moved into my apt and started working full time. that friday (the 19th, i believe), i woke up with a bug bite on my right leg. after a few hours it had swelled to about 4 inches in diameter. at the advice of one of my apt-mates, i put cortosone cream on it in the evening. well, it wasn't any better the next day, so i went into the er to have it looked at. initially they thought it was an absess (which could have been caused by a bug or simply by an infected hair folicle), but the lab results showed it was a staff infection. they deadened the skin and dug out a hole over an inch deep. then the dr packed over 2 feet of medicated gauze into the hole and taped it up. fun stuff... they put me on an antibiotic and vicodin for the pain. 2 days later (on monday), i drove home, so i came off the vicodin and took a bunch of ibeprofin every few hrs at the suggestion of my er nurse. before leaving longview i noticed my heart was really racing. i stopped at a gas station and called the er to see what i should do. after about an hour and many phone calls, i finally got the go-ahead to keep driving and make sure my heart-rate didn't go above 110. (it had been fluctuating between 84 and 100.)

after an eventful 2 days, i finally arrived home and started my christmas shopping. i finished in 5 hrs! :-d

anyway...my 2 weeks home had its ups and definitely its downs. but i'm very thankful to be back in longview! work has been going well and i've been having a blast with my apt-mates!!


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