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It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents--except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which swept up the streets (for it is in London that our scene lies), rattling along the housetops, and fiercely agitating the scanty flame of the lamps that struggled against the darkness. --Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Paul Clifford

yesterday afternoon i went to grand island (about 45 mins from my place in kearney) with my sister because a bunch of my cousins were going to the water park there. afterwards we went to valentino's. i pity all of you who have never been to one. i believe they're only in nebraska though. it's basically an italian baffet and, let me tell you, it is amazing!! while we were eating, it started raining. my sister's boyfriend had driven his motercycle so he left almost right away to drive back to kearney. the rest of us waited it out until it stopped. about 1/2-way to kearney, it started pooring on us. i was going 80 (speed limit is 75) and i slowed down to about 60. then the hail started. before long, i was down to 30 and my sister and i were scared shitless. after a few miles, we pulled off at an interchange and parked under an overhang at a gas station. we surveyed the damage and there were some dents on the hood and roof, but the car was wet so it was tough to see much. (today i looked alot closer and i have several small dings on the roof and hood, as well as some much bigger dings on the hood.) we parked there for about 20 minutes until the hail stopped and then drove the rest of the way back on a state highway a few miles off the interstate. it took us 2 hrs to drive what normally takes 45 minutes. my sister's boyfriend stopped once because it was raining too hard, but he beat the hail home, so that was excellent.

i don't think i've ever been that scared driving before. the hail was making terrible sounds as it hit the car. i talked to mom a bit while we were sitting at the gas station and she couldn't believe how loud it was over the phone. i was so scared that my windshield would shatter as i was driving -- how freaky would that be!

anyways...i'm very thankful that i have full coverage on my car. now the only problem will be finding something to drive while it gets fixed. with my sister in town, it shouldn't be too difficult, but we shall see...


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