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Kyle's most recent hospital adventures

the fun began while i was at letourneau at the beginning of may. Kyle (Lisa's fiancee) called me that he was in the hospital! at first doctors thought it was appendicitis, but they thankfully realized it was a viral infection before they operated. after 5 days in the hospital he was released the day before graduation to the madness of packing and moving out of his on-campus apartment.

on the friday and saturday after he was released, his IV wound was really painful. i knew it was hurting him, but didn't think twice about it because the same thing happened to me after my appendix was taken out. but my wrist/arm didn't hurt until about a week after the needle came out...his was almost immediate. he's been to the ER and had appointments off and on to deal with this since then.

this thursday, we went back in the hospital with nerve damage in his arm. he'll be there for at least a few more days with tests, physical therapy, etc.

i believe his diagnosis is "RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) -- a condition that develops in some people after an injury (like an infection) that causes the nerves to go haywire, 'a short'" (from Lisa's away msg).

another update from Lisa: "Kyle is going through different treatment for RSD. So far he's not reacting the way most people do and so they're trying other ways. He's also doing physical therapy and it will be while before he'll pain free (prolly after the wedding)"

because of the hospital stay at the beginning of may, he missed all of his finals. thankfully his prof's are all really understanding and are allowing him to take his finals as late as midterm next semester for credit.


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