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i've spent a lot of time on digg's website recently and have found a few interesting sites to share:

apparently, zune, microsoft's new digital music player, is similar to the hebrew equivalent of the "f" word. way to be, m$.

at lords of the logistic, there's lots of pics of people carrying crazy amounts of stuff on bicycles/motorcycles.

check out top open source windows apps. i love free stuff!

get in the halloween spirit by making a pumpkin computer.

for those who want to have some instruction before diving into the linux world, take a look at linux 101 required reading list. this might be a resource for me when i finally take the plunge...

and finally, watch Bill Gates praising the apple macintosh, albeit many years ago.


  • At 10/22/2006 10:18:00 PM, Blogger aduma said…

    who needs instructions and long books that are boring and make you give up? grab an ubuntu livecd and play with it for a few minutes

  • At 10/23/2006 12:18:00 PM, Blogger zippy said…

    i said *might*. i'm sure there will be things i can't figure out just by playing. :)


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