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we're getting chapel credit for what?!

i think i broke an unwritten rule that blogs should only be a certain length in order for people to actually read them...but i just couldn't contain myself - opera is just that much better! :)

this year especially, it seems like we get chapel credit for too many things, whether they enhance our spirituality or not. like, this week we can get chapel credit for attending the LU vs. ETBU basketball games. granted, they are our biggest rival and they want to actually have fans at the game, but is the right incentive to provide chapel credit?? couldn't they instead have door prizes or 3-pt contests? (maybe they already do...i've never been to a varsity sporting event here, so i wouldn't know) chaplain carl told us today that we are offered credit "to develop a spiritual community on campus." what the crap? rather give us credit for going to prayer and praise or floor devotions. i am not in favor of this, but it would make more sense because they at least benefit us spiritually.

but what REALLY gets me is that we can get chapel credit for going to the communion service at the beginning of each semester. i believe the only reason to take communion is to be reminded of Christ's sacrifice for us. that's it. chapel credit should not be an incentive! i'm sure God doesn't want Christians to take communion if the main reason they are there is so they can sleep through more chapels at the end of the semester.

i welcome your comments on this issue. i desperately hope there are good reasons for why our school so liberally gives away chapel credit. if any of you have any ideas, please share! :)


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