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this weekend some family friends come to visit me. they were directors of the camp i went to since i was little. then they moved to kansas and he was my boss when i worked at a lumber yard during my hesston days. so basically i know this couple and their kids really well. they came saturday afternoon and left a little bit ago, so we didn't have all that much time to talk. but it was still extremely fun times! we had lots of laughs, "remember the time when..." 's, and other excerpts from my 22 years of memories!

i realized how much i miss reminiscing about memories made more than 1.5 years ago. i sometimes talk about past memories with old friends and family, but there's just something about having a whole evening (including 2-3 hrs of talking at the jalepeno tree) to remember the years past. the stories just keep on flowing and you continuously remember things that you had forgotten about. i'll be up later than usual tonight finishing homework, but i would never trade the sleep for the fun i had this weekend!


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