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Why, why, why, why?
Shaking my fist in the dark, I'm asking
Why, why, why, why?
Why does it keep getting harder to say thanks?
   --nichole nordeman

lately these lyrics have been my theme. i had a rough week last week -- not for any particular reason...i just did. but this weekend an amazing friend of mine came to visit and we had a blast. then monday and tuesday were all downhill. i came into work on monday to learn that my boss was in an accident and was almost killed (he should've been, but "someone was obviously watching our for me" as he said...to which all i answered was, "yeah"). then i come back to our apartment only to be reminded that my grandfather had surgery...and that i forgot all about it. and lately i've had a bunch of conversations with friends about how i desparately need to forgive someone that has caused alot of pain to my family. it was recently pointed out to me that part of the reason this person is still hurting us is that maybe we're not ready for it to stop. (i hope that makes at least a little sense, since i'm obviously not telling the whole story...) to put it another way -- if God would help this person realize what he is doing and would somehow change his ways, i probably wouldn't give any glory to God. instead i'd be frustrated that this person didn't get what he deserves and that those in our community would realize that they should have been supporting an innocent family (us) instead of this person. anyways...enough of that.

so last night i decided to have fun instead of thinking about all this. i watched the movie phone booth with a friend -- a movie i've always wanted to see, but never did. then i went to the marble slab with another friend. all of this significantly helped to improved my mood. i think i need to treat myself out to this kind of fun more often. :)


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