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Francis is in his 50's and works in the assessor's office in the courthouse. i typically talk with him a few minutes everyday as he stops at my office on the way to the pop and vending machines. we've discussed all kinds of stuff -- the best stores for me to buy furniture, our weekend plans, computing, his daughter's surgery a few weeks ago, etc. yesterday morning he waved me over as i walked by the assessor's office and told me his grandson was in the hospital after having a 2-hr long grand-mal seizure. in this kid's 15 yrs of life, he has had 164 grand-mal seizures with 86 of them lasting over 2 hrs. he weighs over 300 lbs because some of his medications significantly increase his appetite. but none of the meds he's been on have helped at all. he has had one brain surgery and will have another within a few months. he doesn't do well in school, but can read and play catch.

i more i hear about those who have it this difficult, the more ashamed i feel for complaining about my life. i have my health, i have wonderful people at my side, and i have a great job. i just need to remember all of this when life gets rough...


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