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in an effort to be more appreciative of things in my life...

i'm thankful for...

...a warm place to live

...a job where i'm needed

...a boss who i can call at 3.00 am if i have a server down

...a sister who makes time in her busy schedule to hang out with me

...a brother who rarely smiles, but who can't stop grinning when i see him

...a soon-to-be brother-in-law who surprises me by clearing my driveway after a blizzard

...the casselberry's (all 5 of them), who make me feel like a part of their family

...my little cousins

...a multitude of friends from hesston college and lu who have kept me going during the last 6.5 years

...my friends in kearney who continuously surprise me with their openness and generosity

...the employees at the courthouse, most of whom have time to answer my questions (about both work and life), no matter how busy they are

...the hockey team in kearney and all the games i've been able to go to

...the variation of nebraska weather

...my own washer and dryer

...a reliable car

...living close enough to the rockies to go skiing on a 2-day weekend (and the free lodging i have while i'm there ;) )

...a furnace that works

...a pantry and freezer full of food


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