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prayer life, browsers, and sad memories...

i have so much going on in my mind right now...i wish i could think straight enough to relate it verbally, much less on paper (or on print at least)...but here i go...

tonight i was reading in 1 peter and chapter 4, v 7b really jumped out at me. "Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray." i wonder how clear-minded i am right now. and i know my self-control hasn't been the best. maybe i'm over-simplifying things here, but does that alone explain why my prayer life hasn't been the greatest lately?

moving on...i've been trying out phoenix and mozilla as recommended to me after my praise of opera. i really liked some of the skins in phoenix and the extensions were really great too. but i sorely missed the 'continue browsing where i was last time' feature that i contantly rely on in opera (maybe it's there somewhere, but i couldn't find it). if i could have updated my blog with it, i would have kept it just so i wouldn't have to use internet explorer, but alas... so then i tried mozilla. here again, i couldn't find my desired start-up option. unlike phoenix, mozilla actually gave me a decent-sized window to write my new blog entries. i don't know if this had anything to do with it, but it was around this time that i noticed some of my profile was missing - the date column, blogger logo, etc. so i messed around with my template (while still in mozilla). it saved the changes all right, but when i went to update some more, it always lost the previous changes. so grudgingly i used internet explorer to add my lost html and blogger tags. mozilla didn't have any exciting features that opera was missing, so i uninstalled it also. in my opinion, opera is still the best browser around! :)

about a year ago, mom started having problems with her laptop keeping its charge. a guy at work told her that it was a motherboard problem and it would cost way too much to fix. so she gave it to me at the beginning of the school year to mess with - if i couldn't get it working it was mine to keep and if i happened to fix it i had to return it to her. i really wanted to not try to figure out the problem and just keep it around to play with...but tonight i finally looked at it. it turns out that if i give the power adapter cord just enough pressure against the port, it works fine. i finally got it propped just right and started looking around on the computer. napster was still installed as well as netscape 4.78! those were the days! :) i looked at a few of the documents just to see if any of them were mine...i found one called 'january 8, 2000.jpg' it was an old family picture...before my parents split up. life was totally different then... of course we were all smiliing in the picture, but i had to wonder how happy we really were. it was nice to be able to say to people that my parents still loved each other and that we were all together. we weren't part of the outrageous divorce statistics - we were on the other side...the good side...the side that churches like to see. our church as a whole doesn't even listen to mom's side of the story, but that's a whole other issue... she hasn't been officially kicked out, but often it feels that way. a church, of all places, should be somewhere to feel loved and supported. dad is...but she isn't. (there's many ironies there...but here isn't the place to discuss them)

some christians like to say that divorce is always wrong. i agree that a couple should not split up before adamantly trying to heal the marriage. but sometimes one of the individuals just doesn't put in the effort necessary for this to happen. it's my opinion that my parents' divorce was best for all involved. (if anyone of you want to disagree on that, feel free - i would love to hear your views on this)

well...i think i should end my ramblings here and get some sleep...


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