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things i have learned in the last 3 days

~my blog template can be messed up without my intervention (and i will try to fix it soon)

~sore feet take a long time to recover

~there are 388 engineers at letourneau

~of these, only 29 are women

~there are many guys on this campus who don't have alterier motives

~i gain more from sleeping in 3 out of my 5 classes than listening to the professor

~i am not alone in my spiritual stuggles (and any other struggle for that matter)

~texas can be cold

~i will never be able to capture my thoughts into words, but often my face communicates them perfectly

~a large number of geeks have a full set of social skills

~it is possible for me to get all my homework done

~it is possible for me to get a decent amt of sleep

~it is not possible for me to get all my homework done and get a decent amt of sleep

~dr. graff believes that cats go to hell. he is a very educated man and knows alot about God, so i believe him on this one (i learned this last week but decided to include it here anyways)

~when i hang out with geeks, i can use technical jargon in non-technical sentences and they don't stare back at me with a confused look

~i have been stalker-less for 3 months!!

~85% of christians live outside of the US

~no matter how much i get done during the week, i will always need the weekend to catch up

~forgiveness (no matter for how small of an issue) is impossible with my strength alone

~appearantly, a short and easy assignment for computer architecture cannot be completed within 3 hrs - even if i am working with 3 brilliant people

~the book of ezekial is much more interesting than the book of isaiah

~if i get more than 6 hrs of sleep the night before, even mornings can be enjoyable

~if i get < 6 hrs of sleep, morning = mourning

~even tho someone picks out a cake for herself, she can still be surprised by it

~users like it when i walk into their office saying, "IT is updating our inventory..." because then they get a short break from sitting at their computers (and every one of them thanks me for it)

~for 3 of my classes, faithfully completing the homework doesn't help me at all to prepare for the tests

~it is not possible to get the LU blocked-site page in the computer labs

~apoktaino (this is how it's pronounced, not how it's spelled) is greek for "i kill!"

~for my alarms to have any chance of waking me, they must be set to go off in the AM, not the PM


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