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i've been humbled once again...

i was sitting here telling a friend that i wanted to work in the education world after i graduate, but how i would never want to work for letourneau. don't get me wrong, i told her, LU is a wonderful school that does many things right. but i, like many others, tend to focus on the things that the school does wrong. i'm always thinking to myself - "hesston college (where i attended before coming here) does this in a much better way. if LU did the same way, things would be much better." so i was telling my friend about a few of the reasons i would never want to work here (mostly based on here-say - i have never talked to the individuals about the way i hear the school is treating them). she replied with, "i know this school does alot of things wrong, but i believe in what LU is trying to do. i want to work here so i can make a difference. that, or i want to make alot of money in industry so i can donate plenty to the school, which would also make some things better. i know i can't fix it all, but i'm willing to try."

this sounds really cheesy in my written words, but it was very humbling to hear. here i am, comparing the faults of LU with the good things my last school did. all i do is complain about them. i don't think about the good things at all. but if i only tried, i could make a difference too. it might not be tangible, but i could definitely have a better attitude and support this school more than i do now.


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