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you know that in love we can forgive
it is the only way to live
obey God and see that we can live in harmony
since God has forgiven us it's true
you forgive me, i'll forgive you
i'm gonna start to show forgiveness from my heart
  --veggietunes, "the forgiveness song"

there's this person i really need to forgive... i've needed to ever since i can remember. but it wasn't until last year that i realized i had to forgive him or else i would turn into a very bitter person. he has always given my family alot of crap, even going to the extent to say that he is trying to make mom's life as miserable as possible (which he has done a good job of). it seems like every time i get close to being able to forgive him, i hear about more crap that he's done and spiral back into the anger and bitterness.

for the last few weeks, i've been bombarded with stuff about forgiveness -- from sermons to songs i've heard on the radio to conversations with people who have no idea i'm dealing with this. i've always felt like i don't know how to even begin the process, but after all i've heard about it lately i feel i'm more prepared. last weekend i was driving home from a wonderful weekend at becky's and the majority of the songs i heard reverted my thoughts back to the issue of forgiveness. i got so tired of it that i popped in a veggietales cd for some lighter songs. but, loe and behold, "the forgiveness song" played. :-\ God finally convinced me to give in and i spent an exhausting hour beginning the process. i have a very long way to go, but i've finally started. and i finally feel that i somewhat know how to go about this, so that's been extremely conforting!


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