tidbitsto the yahoo who drew red hearts on a bunch of car windows the other night, you better not touch my car again!
i was awakened by gusts of wind yesterday morning. for a moment, i thought i was back in kansas or nebraska because it's not a rarity for this to happen there. except for the wind, i really miss the weather in those states. they actually have winter! and four seasons too!
up to this point, i've been careful not to bash letourneau or those who are on staff, but i've definitely had enough of the crap that goes on here. this place is really pissing me off.
lucky is the man. everyone that knows him was already aware of this fact, but i just wanted to reiterate it. he planned a few events for those of us unlucky enough to be around for spring break. three nights ago, we went to shreveport to eat at an international buffet and to do a photo scavenger hunt at a place most of us had never been to. i lost $10 because i was stupid, but i took a picture of a $1,000,000 wall. two nights ago, he took us to a state park about 20 miles away where we had a cookout.
i really miss my geo storm. my new car is great and all...but i really miss my elektra. driving just isn't as exciting in my saturn. i'm not sure if it's because the storm was my first car, if it's the car itself, or if there's some other reason...
ashley smith is an amazing woman. she was held hostage for 7 hours by brian nichols (the atlanta courthouse killer) and talked with him about god, his purpose in life, and his four murders before convincing him to let her go.
here's the transcript of an interview with her...
i don't know if i want to watch the news anymore. on friday, there was the
atlanta courthouse killings, which left
a judge, a court reporter, a deputy, and a customs agent dead. on saturday
seven people were murdered in a church before their killer shot himself. also on saturday, a
4-year-old shot his 2-year-old brother in the head in houston with his mother's handgun. (the 2-yr-old is still in critical condition.) on a more entertaining note, i watched gary condit's son ream out hiraldo rivera sunday night on foxnews. he's apparently still mad at the world for reporting that his father may have had a
hand in the
murder of chandra levy.
i almost forgot to put laundry detergent in my wash today (for the
second time). then when i opened up the 2nd load, all the detergent was sitting on top of the soaking wet clothes...
i have a large amount of respect for
tank. she puts up with incredibly annoying girls on her g1 intramural teams. there were two that got on everyone's nerves when we played them in football game and there was one outragiously dirty player on her basketball team. in football, the two annoyances whined the whole game and most of the team flirted with the refs, saying crap like "c'mon, it's vaaaalentine's day...and we're wearing red! you could reverse that call for us." it didn't help that they didn't know the rules. in basketball, g1's point guard dribbled the ball up to her shoulder and had words for anyone who tried to steal it after slapping whichever defender was unfortunate enough to be guarding her at the time. she played incredibly dirty, but whined anytime one of us touched her. once, i was so frustrated with her that i commented on her slapping me as i shot and she responded with, "the ref didn't call it, did he?" i guess she didn't notice that they weren't calling anything, which definitely doesn't excuse her reckless play. near the end of the game, we held the ball around the perimeter waiting for time to run out. g1 was trying to convince its girls to foul us. this little shit ran up to one of our guards and plowed into her, knocking her down. as she walked off, she commented, "there, i fouled her." as a rule, intramural ref's don't call near everything, but this does not excuse players not to go by the rules at all. i will admit that i didn't play entirely clean in the g1 basketball game. i played this girl rougher that the rules permit once she started beating up our girls and i liberally responded to her tauntings. i try really hard to play clean, yet agressive and i failed at this during this game. anyways...back to tank. she is a really good athlete who plays on many of the schools varsity teams. during these intramural games, she led by example and kept her mouth shut. she didn't let dirty play frustrate her and she didn't lower herself down to her teammate's standards. she quietly played her clean, aggresive game. kudos to you, tank!