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behind the nickname

i realize that many of you don't know the story behind my nickname, so i thought i'd fill you all in tonight. during the 1st week of classes each fall, the members of g2 get together to pick floor nicknames. when it was my turn, i didn't really know what to share that would inspire a good one. i liked to play snood, so that was almost picked. after a few minutes of not getting anywhere, people just started throwing out ideas. i went to hesston college...that reminded someone of charlton heston. in ten commandments, he played moses. (that was almost selected as my name) moses' wife's name is zipporah, so they all decided on zippy. with time, some started calling me zipporah hesston. then one day, i was eating with a good friend and she randomly called me zippy jean. so my full name is zipporah jean hesston.


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