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an observation

many americans show off bumper stickers, t-shirts, and anything else that is available to buy that says something to the affect of "God bless america." we thank God for our successes in wars and the power of our military. but would we still be so thankful if we lost a battle or, heaven forbid, a war? are we so prideful about the success of our country that we forget it might not always be His will that we succeed at everything we do militarily? i recently read a quote on a google employee's blog that asked What happens if God blesses Iraq? it made me wonder whether it would be acceptable to us if God decided to "take iraq's side" on this one. don't get me wrong, i want the US to succeed (tho i think we could do it without fighting), but sometimes i think we get too wrapped up in ourselves that we forget God might want to bless other countries at our expense.


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