kearney had a 30% chance of rain today, but it quickly turned into a 100% chance! different areas of town had between 4.84" and 6.00" and a large portion of our streets were closed part of the day. thankfully, by the end of my lunch break, most of town had drained. i was still kinda worried that i wouldn't make it home in the afternoon (when the charter tech was coming to look at my lack-of-internet problem. i made it just fine until i saw my street. the charter guy and i parked at the end of the block and walked through the water (most of the lawns and sidewalks were flooded so there wasn't anywhere to walk on dry land). below is a picture from my driveway looking down the street to where my car was parked.

here's one that does a better job of showing the depth of the water:

this is a dodge ram that i watched drive through the water. here it's parked entirely on the
sidewalk and has its floor mats drying on the back. (seeing that convinced me that my poor little saturn had no chance.)

thankfully by 6:30pm the street was dry and i could drive to my garage.
after showers like this, i'm always impressed at how quickly the drainage systems empty the streets. back in henderson it would take days to recover, but kearney takes only a few hours!