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a little prayer really does have a huge impact!

over spring break my host family's church had some special services and this was told there. it is a true story about one of the guys that chuck coleson mentored. he's pretty famous now, but i forget his name. note: i hope i can do justice to this story - usually i can't verbally repeat a story too well, much less write it out.

there was a man named bob who decided to pray for a random country and see what would happen (i think it was somehow because of a bet, but it's been a few weeks since i heard the story, so i'm not sure anymore). he picked kenya to pray for. for a few months, he diligently prayed for this country. one day he went out for pizza with some business people and one of them was talking about an orphanage in, you guess it, kenya and how they needed another person to help them out. this individual "randomly" asked bob if that was something he would be interested in doing. he agreed to go. bob helped out for awhile and then returned to the states. awhile later he was asked to go again to the orphanage.

the president of kenya had heard about this man who had been praying for the country and wanted to meet him. bob agreed and the president took him around to show him some of the sites. they drove by a prison where many americans were being held as political prisoners. bob off-handedly said, "you really should release those people." the president smoothly went on explaining about the country after this comment. aside from his "regular" prayers for kenya, bob started specifically asking God that these individuals would be allowed to come home.

when bob returned to the states again, he got a call from a governmental department (i'm not sure which one handles these type of things) explaining that the american prisoners held in kenya had been released. when asked why the president had let these people go, he said that a guy named bob had convinced him to. this department asked what he had told the president and bob repeated it to them. the person on the other line couldn't believe it. they said the US had been working really hard to get these prisoners released for the last 2 years and hadn't made any progress.

a few months (or maybe years) later, bob received a call from a person who worked for the american president at the time (i believe it was george bush, but again, i don't remember). this president had heard about the amazing things that happened because of bob's prayers and wanted his assistance as an advisor. so bob, who had no government experience whatsoever, became someone the president consulted about big decisions.

with a little prayer, bob helped out an orphanage, convinced a president to release prisoners, and became an advisor to the US president! amazing stuff!!

the moral of the story (said the speaker) is that God will grant us what we pray for as long as it's in His Name. so whenever you feel like your prayers aren't being answered, just remember the amazing things that were accomplished through bob's prayers.


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