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every month, the dana corporation facility in longview has a plant meeting. a big chunk of it is spent with the plant manager reading the cards from the comment box. it always takes approximately 15 minutes, but it's definitely time well spent. many issues have shown up on comment cards that the staff wasn't aware of. but they have made the necessary changes and the plant is much better because of it.

after our last plant meeting, i got to thinking...does letourneau have anything equivalent to dana's comment box? i know we can talk to our floor senators or RA's, but we have no idea if our concerns / suggestions / comments ever make it to the people that actually have the power to change things around here.

more than ever before, i have heard alot of frustrations with the university. all of us complain about the mistakes the administration and staff makes, but can we do anything about it? i would like to think that we can, but i don't know how realistic that is...


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